The CSJU (Clean Sky Joint Undertaking)
Governing Board, made up of representatives from the aeronautical industry and the European Commission, identifies strategic áreas where research and innovation are essential. “Calls for Proporsals” are then launched depending on the evolving needs of the industry. Small or medium-sized entreprises (SMEs), industrial leaders, universities, and profesional research organizations respond to the calls with the detailed plans for research activities anda an outline of the funding that they will require to develop ther new technologies. To guarantee an efficient allocation of they will require to develop the new technologies. To guarantee an efficient allocation of resources, the applications are evaluated by a panel of independent external experts who advise the CSJU on the proposals with the best potential. The winning proposals the receive funding and other support from the CSJU. Clean Sky Programme, has a Budget half of this was provided by the European Commission’s Framework Package 7 Research and innovation Programme and the other half was provided by financial and in-king contributions from the industry leaders.
Aeronautics is noted for its capacity to innovate and to change the lives of millions of people. Also, for the complexity of its hardware and systems, which means the research anda development cycles in the industry (the time it takes for an-idea to get from the drawing borad to the market) are ver long, typically between 20 and 30 years. The risk associated with the large-scale investement required to drive technological progress is very high. In parallel, the environmental impact of the industry currently accounts for 3% of global man –made carbon emissions and is set to increase substantially in the years to come, as modern societies demand better connection among people, countries and regions. By coordinating the research activities of the industry, the CSJU develops new technologies that would otherwise be beyond the manageable risk of the private sector: it provides the necessary funding to develop and introduce innovations within timeframes that would otherwise be unachievable.
As such, the SCJU is intended to be the body that will be the main contributor in realising the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) 2020 environmental goals for the industry. These goals are:
- A 50% reduction in carbon dioxide (C02) emissions.
- An 80% reduction in mono-nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions.
- A noise reduction for flying aircraft of 50%.
- Mitigate the environmental impact of the lifecycle of aircarft and related products.